“Soul is like a dream we cannot quite remember which, upon awakening, calls us back to itself.”
This is deep work. It is not for everyone and, sometimes, it is not for now. But if you are ready, are struggling to find the way ahead and are thirsty and curious to discover the deeper reasons for your existence and the meaning of your life, this process can help. It works at practical, philosophical and healing levels, clears the mud from your consciousness and re-orientates. It looks specifically at what your soul is aiming at, often outside your awareness. Here is who I think it is for:
Those truth bearers who have been seriously wounded, scapegoated and invalidated – usually in childhood -and left without any sense of belonging in the world. In other words, those people who know the experience of exile, who have tasted betrayal, yet whose words and wisdom is most needed at this time in history.
Those who are in recovery from addiction, have made some headway, but find themselves at a crossroads, unable to go backward or forward and not understanding what is ‘wrong’ with their recovery process. Conventional wisdom, tools and treatment are not working and something other is needed.
Those who have always felt different, that they did not fit, were not satisfied by the world and, often, were made to feel ungrateful for it. Ingratitude is not usually the problem. Trying harder is not the answer. Understanding your own nature and your difference is. For years, working in treatment centres I saw clients failed and accused of being ‘special and different’ when really the institution was not equipped or enlightened as to the nature of the soul and its requirements.
Those men who have not been able to feel, grieve or express due to cultural and familial injunctions that doom men. With high suicide rates among men, it is time that men found proper avenues of expression and release.
Those who do not like or who are not ready for groups and a ‘one-size fits all’ philosophy which can be injurious to the shy, sensitive nature of the refined soul.
This process is not for those in the throes of chemical addiction nor those who refuse to take any responsibility for themselves and are thus not committed to the work required.
Contact us for more information or to book.
“Make no mistake about it — enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”
Unsplash photography credits -
Mohamed Nohassi, John Salvino and Nik Shuliahin