“The knowledge you have given me is part my fate. It will greatly assist me in this lifetime. Catherine gave me your information awhile ago, it wasn’t till last week I knew I needed to contact you. I think it represents a huge step in my soul’s evolution and shows my soul’s progress. Thank you for being a part of it.”
– Nicole Simons, California
“Thank you for the massive writing, so so useful in my life. I took a month off after our reading and decided to lose the fear of lacking, I am reading every line slowly now of my chart. Unbelievable! It seems I haven’t read it. Every line is intense and full of awareness.”
“Isn't it a shame God doesn't offer mid-life performance appraisals so we can check that our souls are on track? Fortunately, Simon Heathcote does. So I decided to treat myself (partly as an excuse to meet him, having fallen a bit in love after reading his profoundly beautiful mystical essays). Simon's meticulous research prior to the session and penetrating observations during it, shone a light in some murky corners, highlighted some key areas for exploration and pointed a clear way forward. The dexterity with which Simon combined his expertise as an astrologer with his therapist's finely-tuned listening and powers of perception, made this illuminating reading a double gift. As my session percolated in the weeks that followed, I continued to have 'aha moments' and to retrieve missing jigsaw pieces and slot them in place. And my dreams! So intense, symbolic and revealing! Of course, I'm not now steering my life down a completely new path just because a charismatic soul-reader told me my destiny is written in the stars. I'm only heeding the parts that deeply resonated, synchronously affirmed insights I'd already been having, gave me goose bumps of recognition or stirred me to the core. It just so happens that 90% of the session did! P.S. Simon himself is undoubtedly a deep and wise soul − so who better to deliver a soul reading?”
– Caroline Cadenza, journalist
“Simon is a compassionate and wise guardian of the soul. My therapy sessions with him have given me timely and crucial pieces in the jigsaw of my life. His capacity and ability to work throughout the multiple layers of our human existence is astounding and sophisticated; it’s like being given the annuals past, present and future and with dear patience and gentleness being lead to make the very best choices in every given moment. His dedication to the evolution of our human species is truly heart felt.”
“Without Simon I would not have been able to understand the power of becoming conscious. I am learning to listen to the small child within, who is looking to have her needs met, and finding ways to hear her, encourage her and celebrate with her, in the same way I would with my own children. I’m shining a light into my darkest parts and learning to understand what is waiting for me in the shadows. Bit by bit I’m changing from someone who has a “peculiar detachment from her feelings” to someone who can get inside the pain, feel it and allow it to heal. Thank you for showing me the path Simon.”
– Fiona Stewart, Fiona Stewart Marketing
“I met Simon at a crucial turning point in my life! I really was not sure and did not understand what I was experiencing. I reached out to the universe for help and Simon was sent to my aid, through his words and his patience he became a catalyst for my awakening and helped me start my inner journey. It is important for us all to feel loved and trust someone enough, to be able to let go of past hurts and Simon was able to contain these overwhelming fears and feelings, I was experiencing through his psychic abilities and caring nature. I am grateful for Simon’s help and the experience was the most intense experience I have had in my life to feel that connection so strongly at such a distance was amazing!”
“My journey with Simon has brought me from the depths of despair to a life enriched with awareness and presence. Becoming more fulfilled and free has enabled me to find joy and love in my human relationships and in all things. It has taught me that I still have me to deal with me from time to time, but I now know it is only my head getting in the way, and I now understand that pain is a sign of shift and progress and not the lack of anything – there is always something in it for me. With Simon my journey of psychotherapy would have been incomplete without the soul as a companion – it would only be half the picture – the dark without the light, the child without the adult, the fear without love, the head without the heart-mind, the empty understanding of the intellect without awareness. Simon has rare patience and gentleness – his prod felt as the merest brush, he encouraged without force and led without pulling and our movement gathered to progress without any feeling of pressure.”
– Trevor Morley, solicitor
“I met Simon during a time when I was witnessing a powerful personal transition. Having already experienced much awakening, there was a sudden feeling that much was being pulled away in one go, revealing a deep inner truth about who I am and how I could reach parts of myself that were still in need of healing. The process was intense, but with Simon’s gentle guidance and support I felt able to make sense of what was happening and remain open to what needed to unfold. Through his patience and understanding, I have learnt to recognise when my mind is trying to control and how it is truly possible to ‘let go’. As a result I was able to move beyond the most uncomfortable pain and discover the treasure being revealed by my soul. Simon is a powerful spiritual catalyst, inspirational teacher, healer and counselor. As someone who is highly sensitive, he has a natural ability to help others move beyond patterns of limitation, reaching right into the heart of what needs to be resolved. As a talented writer and poet, he also has an incredible gift in channeling and his words carry a unique energy of their own. I find them to be deeply healing and they reflect the very essence of his being.”
Unsplash photography credit - Patrick Fore