“We shall never cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
If you feel the need to understand yourself and your life, and are stuck, it is important to look beyond the body and mind to the Self, what some people call the soul - although we don’t wish to get lost in concepts as that is what confounded us in the first place! In the words of Kierkegaard, pain and stuckness, repetition of patterns, indicate alienation from this Self.
We can all identify with the struggle when our outward journey into the world fails to satisfy. It can seem like the worst thing to happen to us. Yet with guidance and understanding we can see perhaps it is the best thing. As Carl Jung said, ‘the disasters of life are the genius of the unconscious’. Our experience is that he was quite right.
In seeking to find satisfaction, we are unwittingly searching for this Self, soul, or wholeness, our birth right. Seeking can take us down many blind alleys as the methods we use are often misguided - what Buddhists call ‘unskilful means’.
Working with experience and depth, Soulvision offers the skilful means to guide you in your search to find fulfilment and realise your potential. The unique Soulvision process comprehends and works with the dual nature of the soul - it honours its outward manifestation to find individual purpose and meaning, and its desire to return to its beginnings. And so the journey begins to bear fruit.
“When the things of the world do not work for us anymore, we are on the cusp of transformation. ”
Soulvision works by examining different layers of your being - the personal and egoic; the karmic and the ancestral. Working with conventional psychoanalytic and psychodynamic techniques, addiction counselling (if necessary) and transpersonal psychology, it also includes insights from Evolutionary Astrology, mythology and mysticism.
Through conversation and enquiry you will be guided in your journey of self knowledge and self development with patience and gentle direction, yet with a strong focus on professional analysis. You will also receive the tools you need to move forward, to help you bring more ease into your daily life. All clients can be assured of confidentiality, in depth personal attention and support during therapy.
Our general costs are listed below. These may vary according to personal requirements. Although we do always recommend the Foundational Reading (it will save you some time in therapy), we may be able to consider going straight into sessions on review of a full life story.
Foundational Reading & Assessment (90 mins) - £300
Foundational Reading only (60 mins) - £250
Bespoke individual packages are available. Price on application
Contact us for more information or to book.
joining the process
If you are interested in the Soulvision process, you will need to contact us and send in a short life story (including why you are seeking help now), or have a complimentary 20-minute Skype interview. If we agree to go forward, a Foundational Reading and Assessment will be arranged.
The Foundational Reading is currently only available online, i.e on Skype. It includes six - eight hours of in-depth research of your astrological profile as well as the other information provided. Although we always recommend the Foundational Reading (it will save you both time and money in the long term) we may be able to consider going straight into the session process on receipt of a full life story and Assessment.
Follow on Consultation Sessions on Skype or FaceTime are usually 60 or 90 minutes. Price on application.
Contact us for more information or to book.
Bespoke programmes
These can be designed for you to include book recommendations, home work, meditation practice and email support between sessions. Contact us for more information about this or to book.
“Simon is a compassionate and wise guardian of the soul. My therapy sessions with him have given me timely and crucial pieces in the jigsaw of my life. His capacity and ability to work throughout the multiple layers of our human existence is astounding and sophisticated; it’s like being given the annuals past, present and future and with dear patience and gentleness being lead to make the very best choices in every given moment. His dedication to the evolution of our human species is truly heart felt.”
Unsplash photography credits -
Fabrizio Verrecchia, Aziz Acharki and Kyle Johnson